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The Belmont Hill School Corporation has the legal responsibility for electing the School’s Board of trustees. Members serve the Board and the administration in an advisory capacity and make available a broad range of abilities and knowledge. They advise and support specific aspects of institutional planning and serve as informed advocates for the School.

Members of the Corporation are nominated by the Committee on Trustees of the Board of Trustees and are represented on the Board by the Chairman of the Corporation. Corporation members are selected for their special interests and talents, for their abilities to bring informed advice to the School, and for their commitment to the School and its mission. They represent Belmont Hill School in their communities, take a leadership role in philanthropic support of the School, and receive special communications that keep them informed about the School.

Sextant Divider

Meeting of Incorporators, March 17, 1923


I wish I might record for posterity that the seven founders of this school were impelled to the undertaking by some great vision or by a new and compulsive educational hypothesis, but the real truth of the matter is much more simple. They just wished to create for their children the best possible educational opportunity and environment.

- Henry Hixon Meyer, 1963

Parent '36, '39, '45; Grandparent '60, '62, '77
Executive Committee/Board of Trustees, 1923-1971
Executive Committee President, 1926-1963 

Governance through the Years